School of Education
comprises the following Departments.
The School of Education has been established to address the felt need of the country in the 21st Century in relation to
empowerment of teachers. Efforts are under way to implement various programmes ranging from Certificate to Diploma and
Bachelor to Master and Ph.D. in the discipline of Education. There are three Departments– (i) Department of Education (ii)
Department of Physical Education and (iii) Department of Continuing Education & Community Services under the School of Education
to cater to the needs of teacher educators and educational researchers to conduct research and practice innovations in the field of
Education. The primary reference point for designing and delivering the programmes are at par with the felt needs, aspirations and
demands of the society. Presently under the School of Education, Department of Education is functioning and the other two departments
are under the process of development. The goal of School of Education is to help pupil teachers and students to inculcate humane values
to become professionally capable for the same, School of Education focuses on the development of cognitive-creativity using innovative,
critical and techno-pedagogical skills.